Salt inside of a water conditioning system in Inverness, IllinoisAre you thinking about installing a water softener in your home? Wondering if you would be making the right choice? Water softeners provide a range of benefits, so in all reality, there’s very little downside to installing one (if at all).

Curious as to how exactly you can benefit from water softening in Inverness, Illinois? We’re going to review the benefits below.

Improve the Quality of Skin and Hair

One of the biggest problems with the calcium and magnesium in hard water is that they tend to cling to the skin and hair. In doing so, they clog vital skin pores, which prevents the secretion of necessary oils and allows the skin and hair to dry out. This can lead to a number of problems — from acne, to eczema, to split ends, and more.

For this reason, in order to improve the quality of the skin and hair, it’s wise to install a water softener. A water softener will remove the calcium and magnesium from your water, which prevents them from doing damage to your hair and body.

Increase Soap Suds

When soap meets water, a chemical reaction occurs, and soap suds are created. These suds are then used to scrub things clean. Unfortunately, when there are excess amounts of calcium and magnesium in the water, the necessary chemical reaction is hindered, and suds are kept to a minimum.

Want more suds? Then you should consider installing a water softener. A water softener will remove the calcium and magnesium from your water, allowing the needed chemical reaction to occur, and creating more soap suds overall.

Reduce Pipe Buildup

As minerals pass through water pipes, they cling to their interior walls. Over time, these minerals can build up, leaving less and less room for water to flow through. As a result, water pressure can drop substantially.

There are a few different minerals that are responsible for this problem, but two of the most prominent are calcium and magnesium. As such, by installing a water softener (thus removing calcium and magnesium from your water supply), you can greatly reduce the amount of pipe buildup that occurs throughout the years.

Eliminate Limescale Buildup

Do you ever notice a white, powdery substance forming on your sink, faucets, or showerheads? If so, there’s a decent chance that you’re looking at limescale. Limescale is, in essence, a small pile of calcium and magnesium. These minerals are left behind after hard water has evaporated.

Though limescale buildup causes no functional problems, it can reduce the overall aesthetic of the home. As such, it’s generally something you want to control.

Hoping to eliminate the limescale in your home? All you have to do is install a water softener.

Take Wear and Tear Off Appliances

The calcium and magnesium in hard water don’t limit themselves to pipes, sink, and showerheads. They inundate water-based appliances as well, clinging to their internal mechanisms, reducing their efficiency, and limiting their lifespans. Affected appliances include (but aren’t limited to) refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing mahines.

Fortunately, water softeners can remove calcium and magnesium from water. As such, they effectively prevent this type of damage to all water-based appliances.

Looking to Implement Water Softening in Inverness, IL?

Is water softening right for your home? Looking to implement water softening in Inverness, Illinois? If so, and if you’re looking for the premier water softening company in Inverness, DuPage Water Conditioning is the company to call.

We’ve installed water softeners in countless homes throughout Inverness and its surrounding areas. Regardless of the size of your water supply, we can accommodate you.

Contact us today to get started!