faucet-water-stainDo you have stains on your shower walls, sinks, toilets, or other water appliances? Do your white shirts have a bit of an “off” tint to them? If so, you’re likely dealing with water stains.

Water stains can come about due to contaminants that exist within your water. Water supplies that are dense in certain contaminants are more likely to stain the surfaces that they come into contact.

Trying to figure out what contaminants are causing your water stains? Keep on reading! This article should be of great use to you.

Blue Stains

Blue stains aren’t as common as red, brown, and white stains, but they can still appear every now and then. Typically, blue water stains arise as a result of corroding copper pipes. What generally causes water pipes to corrode? An imbalanced pH level.

If you see blue stains on your toilets, sinks, or shower walls, we recommend calling a Elgin water conditioning specialist. He or she should be able to determine the exact cause of the pH imbalance, and install necessary conditioning systems to get rid of the problem.

Red Stains

If your water appliances are stained red, you are more than likely dealing with an excess of iron in your water. After iron particles have become oxidized, they turn a bright orange-red color, severely reducing the aesthetic of any appliance with which they come into contact.

A number of different conditioning systems can be used to rid your water of iron, from iron filters, to reverse osmosis systems, to water softeners, and more. An experienced Elgin water softening specialist should be able to rid your water of iron once and for all.

Pink Stains

If pink stains are presenting themselves on your water appliances, you more than likely have airborne bacteria making its way into your water supply. Airborne bacteria is most commonly found in well water due to the fact that well water generally isn’t chemically treated to the extent that municipal water is.

The best way to get rid of airborne bacteria is by injecting chlorine into your water supply. This chlorine may slightly alter the taste of your water, but it will also make it a lot healthier to drink as well.

White, Chalky Limescale

Do you notice a white, chalky buildup on your metal or dark-colored water appliances? If so, the culprit is more than likely limescale buildup. Limescale buildup comes from having an excess of calcium in your water.

Limescale buildup appears after water has evaporated. If you do not wipe this buildup away on a consistent basis, it will build up more and more, progressively reducing the aesthetic of your appliances.

Want to do away with limescale for good? A quality water softener will get the job done.

Light Brown Stains

If your water stains are light brown or orange, they are probably due to an excess of iron or manganese in your water. Most typically, stains of this kind will show up on your shower heads, toilet bowls, bathtubs, and sinks.

Those who use well water often find that their water contains excess amounts of iron and manganese. If you’re looking to rid your water of these minerals, you can do so with the use of an Elgin water conditioning system.

We can help you find one that suits your specific needs.

Looking to Do Away with Water Stains in Elgin?

Has this article helped you determine the cause of your water stains? Are you now looking to rid your water of this cause? If so, there is an Elgin water softening system that can help you.

Looking for a water conditioning system in Elgin, Illinois? We here at DuPage Water Conditioning are the people to see.

Contact us now to discuss your needs!