Soft water coming from the faucet of a house in Hinsdale, IllinoisYou might not be aware, but the vast majority of the water in our homes is brought up from the ground. As a result, water tends to be filled with a variety of different contaminants.

Two contaminants that you’ll want to look out for include calcium and magnesium. These minerals aren’t dangerous for consumption, but they do serve to make water hard, and when water’s hard, it can have a number of undesirable effects. For instance, in addition to reducing soap suds and clogging up pipes, hard water can also have an adverse effect on the skin and the hair.

It’s important to note, however, that not all water is hard. In the United States, water hardness can vary greatly from location to location. Are you interested in learning more about hard water in the US? This Hinsdale water purification company has you covered.

Water Hardness Variation Across the States

An area’s water hardness is dependent on its soil. The more calcium and magnesium contained in the area’s soil, the harder its water will be.

To give you a feel for where Hinsdale ranks in terms of hard water, we’re going to review the water hardness in other states throughout the US. To do this, we’ll categorize every state into one of four groups. These groups include the soft water group, the moderately hard water group, the hard water group, and the very hard water group.

Soft Water Group

The soft water group tends to include states in the southeastern portion of the US. However, there are some areas of the northeast and northwest that can be characterized this way as well.

States that fit in this group include Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Massachusetts, Oregon, South Carolina, Vermont, and Washington.

Moderately Hard Water Group

The moderately hard water group isn’t confined to any one area. These states are spread out seemingly at random. They include Alaska, Hawaii, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and West Virginia.

Hard Water Group

The hard water group consists primarily of states in the Great Plains and the Midwest. Illinois is one of these states.

Some of the other states in this group include Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Very Hard Water Group

Last, but not least, we’ll discuss the very hard water group. This group consists of a mishmash of states, including Florida, Indiana, New Mexico, Utah, and Wisconsin. Large portions of Texas also fit the bill, particularly the western half of the state.

How Does Hinsdale Fit into the Equation?

If you read above, you saw that Illinois fit into the hard water group. As you probably guessed, that’s exactly where Hinsdale lies as well.

Naperville, along with the rest of northeastern Illinois, possesses a soil content that’s considered high to extremely high in calcium and magnesium. Though its water isn’t the hardest in the country, it’s not far behind. This is why many Hinsdale homeowners opt to make use of water softeners — they don’t want to deal with the negative effects of hard water.

Utilize the Services of a Hinsdale Water Purification Company

If you live in the Hinsdale area, and if you don’t have a water softening system installed in your home, then you almost certainly have hard water running through your pipes. If you’re interested in getting rid of this hard water, and if you’re looking to utilize the services of a Hinsdale water purification company, we here at DuPage Water Conditioning are the people to see.

As the top water purification company in Hinsdale and its surrounding areas, we’ve helped countless home and business owners to soften their water supply.

Contact us today to discuss your needs!