water-iron-filtration-lockportAs you probably already know, groundwater is filled with a variety of different minerals, chemicals, and bacteria. In well water, specifically, iron is excessively present.

Do you get your water from a well? Is there an excess of iron in your Lockport water supply? If so, you might be interested in learning more about the mineral.

Below, we’re going to get into the specifics of water-borne iron, discussing not only its effects, but removal methods, and more.

How Common is Iron in Water?

Iron is the 4th most common element on planet earth, and it exists primarily in the ground. As such, most groundwater is inundated with the mineral. What this means is that, since we all get our water from the ground, a good many of us have iron in our water.

It’s important to note, however, that if you get your water from a municipal water supply, the iron that once existed within it has likely already been filtered out. In other words, those who are most likely to have iron in their water are those who get it from a well.

Signs That You Have Iron in Your Water

Curious as to whether or not you have iron in your water supply? There are a few different ways to tell. If you notice any of the following signs, iron could very well be affecting your water.

Red Stains

The surest sign that there is iron in your water supply is if there are brownish red stains on your clothes, bathtub, kitchen faucet, and other entities that consistently come into contact with water. These stains are essentially a buildup of iron presenting itself after the water has evaporated.

Reduced Water Pressure

Another possible sign that you have iron in your water is if you are experiencing a reduction in water pressure. Note, however, that not all pressure reductions are caused by iron. A number of other minerals (calcium, magnesium, etc.) could cause pressure reductions as well.

Metallic Tastes

When contained in excess within a water supply, iron tends to give water a metallic taste. Therefore, if you notice a metal-like taste every time you take a drink, you likely have iron in your water.

Does Iron Ever Visually Present Itself in Water?

As it exists in water, iron is not visible. When in water, it exists in a dissolved manner, meaning it can’t be seen by the human eye.

However, if iron exists in water and that water evaporates, that iron will be left behind on surfaces. Possessing a brownish red color, it will build up more and more as time passes.

Can You Remove Iron from Water?

Fortunately, it is possible to remove iron from water. There are a number of different ways this can be done, but iron filtration systems and chemical injection systems are the most prominent options. A Lockport water softening company can help you determine the best method of dealing with your situation.

Whereas iron filtration systems literally filter iron out of water, chemical injection systems utilize chemicals in order to neutralize iron molecules. Both systems are effective, and generally help to remove manganese and sulfur as well.

Need the Services of Lockport Water Softening and Water Conditioning Company?

Dealing with an excess of iron in your water supply? Need a little help removing it? If so, DuPage Water Conditioning is the company to call.

As the premier water conditioning company in Lockport, Illinois, we’ve helped thousands upon thousands of Lockport area residents remove the iron from their water supplies. Our team would be happy to serve you as well.

Contact us now to get the process started!